Salma Hayek Reveals Surprising Menopause Symptoms Including bre-st Growth

Salma Hayek, the 54-year-old actress, shared her shocking experience when she first consulted a doctor about the signs of menopause.

The actress expressed her astonishment at the alarming symptoms listed during the latest episode of Red Table Talk.

She recounted how the questions posed by the medical professionals were concerning, ranging from unusual physical changes like ear enlargement and hair growth to emotional fluctuations such as irritability and unexplained crying spells.

Weight gain, stature alterations, and even vaginal dryness were among the topics discussed.

What caught Hayek off guard the most amid her menopausal journey was the unexpected growth of her bre-sts.

She revealed that while some women experience bre-st reduction, hers had significantly increased in size.

The actress explained the various factors that contributed to this change, including weight fluctuations, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and now, menopause.

Despite rumors suggesting she underwent bre-st augmentation due to the noticeable transformation, Hayek clarified that her bre-sts had naturally expanded over time, causing discomfort to her back—an aspect rarely addressed openly.

In addition to the physical changes, Hayek disclosed battling mood swings and hot flashes throughout the transitional period.

Despite experiencing these challenges, she underscored the importance of recognizing such moments, taking a deep breath, and enduring through the discomfort.

The actress acknowledged the unpleasantness of hot flashes but maintained a resilient attitude towards navigating these symptoms.

Hayek seized the opportunity to debunk age-related stereotypes, emphasizing that aging should not be viewed as a hindrance.

She advocated for the eradication of societal norms that impose expiration dates on women, asserting that women possess the capacity to excel at any stage of life.

Rejecting the notion that women are confined to specific roles, she highlighted the significance of self-love, independence, and the freedom to pursue dreams irrespective of age.

Hayek adamantly opposed the antiquated belief that a woman’s worth diminishes with time, challenging the enduring misconception perpetuated for centuries.

The enlightening discussion featuring Salma Hayek will be broadcast in full on Wednesday, June 23, at 12 p.m.

ET and 9 a.m. PT as part of the Red Table Talk series.