Just Like You’d Hold Your Wife’s Breast

Just Like Youd Hold Your Wifes Breast - Just Like You’d Hold Your Wife’s Breast - Joke

A husband and wife love to play golf together but they were not satisfied with their game, So they decide to take private lessons.

The husband has his lesson first.

After the pro sees him swing, he says, “No, no, no,” you’re gripping the club way too hard!”

“Well, what should I do?” asks the man.

“Hold the club gently,” the pro replied, “just like you’d hold your wife’s breast.”

The man takes the advice, takes a swing, and WOW!

He hits the ball 250 yards straight up the fairway.

The man goes back to his wife with the good news, and the wife can’t wait for her lesson.

The next day the wife goes for her lesson.

The pro watches her swing and says, “No, no, no, you’re gripping the club way too hard.”

“What can I do?” asks the wife.

“Hold the club gently, just like you’d hold your husband’s manhood.”

The wife listens carefully to the pro’s advice, takes a swing, and THUMP, the ball goes straight down the fairway about 15 feet.

“That was great,” the pro says.

“Now, take the club out of your mouth and swing it like you are supposed to!”